Processing Invoices VIA Auto Integrate
Auto Integrate is a platform to get PO's (Purchase Orders) and Payment for multiple accounts
In Guru Accounts are labeled with (AI) or (AI + NA) this tells you what to look out for when getting a PO and payment
If (AI) is in front of the company name you get your PO and Payment VIA auto integrate​
If its (AI + NA) you have to look at what auto integrate is asking you. If it is asking for Firestone National Account Numbers you need to got to options on your work order and convert your work order to a national account and put your National account Item numbers in to get the correct national account pricing.
To check how you get paid for that Repair order in Auto Integrate open the repair order and click on "Shop Details" in the menu and on the right corner it will have "Payment Direction"
If it is Independent then it will be direct deposit to our account and you do not use national account information you leave it as a regular work order and submit like a normal work order
If it has "Firestone" then it will be a National Account and you have to convert your workorder and process the invoice through TREADNET!